Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Mom Moment....

I'm sure everyone has had one.. or two or a million. When you just lose it with the kids. We're all tired and cranky and trying to get back into a routine and they decide to have a meltdown argument. Meanwhile I'm multitasking...talking on the phone and trying to go to the bathroom (sorry if that's TMI) and I hear this cry from Shelby that sounds like she has been injured. I run down and she is just sobbing. I think she's burned her mouth on the pizza and I keep asking her as the tears run down her face.."What is it?". Her answer, "Brandon looked at me and said I was shaking my head like this!" A pause......"WHAT?????"That is what you are crying over?? I ask. In disbelief, frustration and tiredness on my part, I just had a major moment too. I yelled at the kids and actually screamed in the air. I told them I could not believe that this is what they were fighting over and that here I am screaming at them like my head was going to explode. I saw Shelby swallow a smile when I said that but she held it in. Last night as I lay day with each of them to say goodnight, I said to Shelby, you wanted to laugh didn't you and she said maybe a little and then we shared a smile together. Kevin always says, "Isn't parenting everything you thought it would be?" I am thankful that we can laugh together at that and share in the frustrations and the achievements. Everyday I ask God to help me be a better mother and to give me more patience. Today especially I woke asking for help in that department.

But no matter what happens everyday, I love those kids with my whole heart.

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