Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Esther Williams in the Making....

I would of never guessed that Little Miss Shelby would be picked to go to Dive Divisionals!! Way to Go!! At the beginning of the season both she and her brother were unsure of whether to even do dive this year but both decided to give it another year. I always tell them that dive is optional, swim is mandatory. Both kids were struggling to get their back dive down but after lots of practice, Shelby totally surprised us one day last week and did it on her own. The coach was up on the board but stood back and there she went!! Over the next couple of days she even added a push to the back dive and starting asking me which way she should do it at the dive meet. She is always surprising us. The meet went well (even though I got there too late to see her dive), and when we got home our neighbor called to congratulate her on making divisionals. No one was more surprised than me! Of course when I told Shelby, her response was "What's so great about divisionals?". Divisionals takes the top two divers of each age group and gender (so 2 8 and under girls and 2 8 and under boys, etc). Coach Kristen said Shelby worked hard all season and deserved it. On Sunday the divisionals will be held (very early), so keep your swimmer toes crossed :))) I'll let you know how it goes and post some pictures. I'm glad its early so I won't miss it by being at work.

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