Thursday, August 28, 2008

Better Late than Never....Hershey Park

As I previously posted, we went to Hershey Park for 3 days in August. It was the kids and my first time there. We were all excited to go away. We arrived at the park and within an hour or so Brandon spiked a fever and started to feel bad. We got him some Tylenol and after a 2 hour nap, laying on me in the park, we went back to our hotel, where he promptly threw up in the car. Lucky Kevin! After that he said, "Mom, I feel so much better now!" We took a quick nap and then back to the park we went until closing. He was not afraid of anything. We kept him on Tylenol and Motrin in the in between times and he did very well. Shelby was a little more timid about trying some things but she did try quite a few rides. The days were fun, a little on the cool side, tiring, but all in all we had a wonderful time together. Here are a few pictures of our family vacation.

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