Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Back(packing) To School

It is so hard to believe that they are back to school today. They were excited and sad. We really had a wonderful summer together, so today was somewhat bittersweet for even me. The kids met their teachers yesterday and got to see which friends are in which classes. This morning Brandon was up early (as usual) but with a surprise for me. He had gotten dressed, made his bed and brushed his teeth, all before coming downstairs. This is a first. We had just had a talk about this recently, and sometimes I'm just not sure if he is listening. But obviously he is! Yeah, what a great way to start off the year. Shelby woke up by herself, which also does not happen very often, got dressed, etc. and was ready early. I think they will miss lazy days, time at the pool, TV and computer during the week but are happy to see their friends and to get back into a routine (minus the homework routine) I saw many tearful parents this morning and I tried to be sympathetic without showing my enthusiasm for having a day to myself :) I'm anxious to hear how their day goes. Brandon gets to pick who he sits with, so I am interested who he will pick that won't distract him too much. Shelby's new teacher is so nice and pretty and Shelby even asked to go back into her classroom yesterday and visit with her teacher. I don't worry too much about her, she adapts fairly easily to just about any situation. It's hard to believe that I have a 3rd and 4th grader this year. Here are some pics from this morning,i ncluding the neighbors, Brandon and Jenny. Jenny is starting Kindergarten, so its a big day for her too. She's the last of the "little ones" now in the court. We have a 9th,6th, 5th, three 4th, 3rd and a Kindergarten in our cul-de-sac. Its fun to look back to see how much they all have changed in the last 5 years. I'm so glad they have such good friends literally right next door. I'll update later on the first day events!

And then there's Penny, she's very happy to have the peace and quiet again in the house during the day.

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