Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Till We See Her Again...

I hate goodbye's. I don't do well with goodbye's. With that said, tonight I had to say goodbye to my niece, Emily, who is leaving for a year to go to Kenya. She will be a dorm mother for 9th grade girls at Rift Valley Academy. We are incredibly proud of her decision, but at the same time we are sad that she will be leaving and gone for a whole year. Last week, Emily, Peter and Brett took Brandon and Shelby out for a last "cousins" dinner at Mongolian BBQ in Bethesda. Tonight my sister hosted a farewell pizza dinner for family and a few friends. It was a nice gathering and I held it together pretty well, I did get teary eyed when Shelby hugged Emily and said her goodbyes. So Emily, its not goodbye, but till we see you again next year. Enjoy this next year, it will surely be a year of continued faith, joy, love, maybe a little homesickness, but definitely an experience you will never forget. We love you!

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