Wednesday, November 12, 2008

NYC Meets Shelby Lee

So to continue our story, we got up the day after her birthday (we had to leave the house by 5:45 am) and successfully got on the train at BWI. The train was relatively empty and we found seats with no problem. The train ran on schedule till we got to Newark, NJ. They were doing some repairs so that set us back by about 3o minutes, which worked out fine since Erik was running late from a client. Alas, we arrived, met up with Erik and then we promptly got into a taxi to drop our stuff off at Erik and Howard's apartment. Shelby got her first taste of NYC with a cab ride. After taking a little break we headed off to the Empire State Building. We had to wait about 1 1/2 hours to go up, but Shelby was a trooper and really enjoyed it once we got up there. After that we went for a carriage ride through Central Park, had a quick lunch, stopped at Dylan's Candy Shop for a treat, and then went back to the apartment for a little nap and then it was time to eat and get ready to go see Mary Poppins on Broadway. Shelby and I were so excited and Erik treated us to fabulous orchestra seats (8th row). It was truly a magical show!!

Saturday, they were calling for rain but it had not started when we started our day. And since it was Saturday, Howard did not have to work so he joined in for the days adventures. After breakfast we went to American Girl, shopping at Juicy Couture (Thanks Uncle Howard :-))), Rockefeller Center, NBC store,the Disney Store, Toys R US in Times Square and then back to Dylan's Candy Shop before going for a short nap. Then we went to the movies to see Beverly Hills Chihuahua. Shelby rode the bus, the subway, the taxis and was not intimidated by any of it. On Friday she said, "I feel different here!" "When I grow up, I want to live here...and work at Macy's". My thought was, you can work at Macy's but you will be living in the Bronx on that salary, not Manhattan.

Shelby recognized Erik and Howards building the second time we went there and seemed to have a real sense of direction in the city. Saturday night it did rain but it didn't dampen either of our spirits. Sunday we woke to a lovely day. Shelby and I went to breakfast alone and after that we walked over to Central Park with Erik and Howard. We watched some professional ice skaters and then we went on a Carousel ride. The guys were great sports and some of the things we did, they had never done or ever seen before which made it even more fun. When we got back from the park, they got the car and showed Shelby "Ground Zero" which she had been curious to see and then they dropped us off at the train station to return home. It was bittersweet, never enough time with Erik and Howard, ready to sleep in my own bed, but not wanting a wonderful, mother-daughter memory to come to an end. Hopefully we will have many more like it. A big thanks and hugs and kisses to Erik and Howard for making the weekend so memorable and Shelby's first visit a fabulous success!!! We love you!!


Alayne said...

It looks like you had a ton of fun! Next time I want to tag along with you :)

Unknown said...

uncle Boom Boom