Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Football Kind of Family these days

Ok, so now i'm trying to catch up on my blog. My goal was to at least post once a month, so this month I may have three to catch up for September and October. We had barely finished up swim season, when football season began. I am not a big fan of my son playing "tackle" ball but Kevin said if he wanted to try it, we should let him and be supportive. So I have been VERY Supportive, at least I think so. Brandon made the "B" team of the Olney Bears Team. In the beginning he was a little timid about the tackling, but he has a great set of coaches and he has definitely improved since the beginning of the season. Its hard when you tell your child his whole life not to put his hands on someone else and then when they start playing football, you need to tell them to tackle or basically be tackled.

With the great coaching came a great season. At the end of the regular season, Brandon's team was 9-0. In 9 games not one team had scored on them at all! Not the usual i'm told. Last weekend began the playoffs and they won the game. When I asked Brandon why he wasn't more excited , he said "they scored on us Mom". More the norm I'm told. The Bears won 32-14. So this week he's still practicing 3 times a week with the 2nd playoff game scheduled for Friday night. I'll keep you posted on the outcome of the game.

Here are a few photos that I have taken of him: